all for love

louis fairfax
Hayes is smart, powerful, rich, and oozes sex appeal. As heir to the Rivers Family failing businesses and dwindling fortunes, he’s determined to restore his family’s reputation and restore their wealth. He’s still a billionaire, but he wants to return his family to their former glory. His messy divorce has left him wary of gold diggers and even more determined to protect his family, and himself from people who are only interested in him for his wealth.
Main character
Secondary character
1.) What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
Telling the truth saves everyone a lot of time.
2.) Do you have any secret talents that might surprise people?
No. If I’m good at something, I put it to good use. If something doesn’t come naturally I avoid doing it. Like talking to people. I’d rather not.
3.) do you believe in karma?
Absolutely, it’s the only thing that kept me from becoming a vigilante. It may not be the way you gave it out. But, I think everything we put out into the world comes back to us, good and bad.
4.) what’s something money hasn’t been able to buy
Love. But it paid for the plane ticket that took me Italy where I met the woman who defines that word for me.
5. ) do you relate to any historical figures?
I relate to the explorers who lived before we had maps. I admire and seek to be like the men looked at the earth’s horizon and saw the edge of the world. But instead of accepting it as fact, the looked to their left and right, saw a tiny curve and decided to sale toward the edge of the world to see what was there. I want to be the kind of leader who thinks outside the box, who takes chances no one else will, and who believes in what he’s doing.
cara fawcett

Cara is the kind of friend every woman deserves - a vault like judgement free zone that’s down for whatever you are. Quick to love and forgive, Cara’s a smart mouthed, big hearted free spirit who wears her heart on her sleeve. One of the most successful ballerinas of her generation, she’s living her dream dancing as a Principal for the London Ballet. She’s a love ‘em and leave ‘em type of lady, but she’s got her eye on a man who makes her want to stop and enjoy the view.
Books she appears in
Main Character
All for Love
1.) What was your very first leading role in a ballet?
I played the Sugar Plum Fairy when I was in 2nd grade. I was the youngest member of the troupe and it was when everyone around me realized I might actually have natural gift for ballet.
2.) have you always wanted to be a performer?
Yes. I don’t have stage fright. Performance is where I am most honest. I can say things with my body that I can’t with my voice. I don’t care if one person is watching or the whole world is - its a conversation and I get to spill my guts while they listen. And then they clap. It’s the best.
3.) What’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever done?
Moving to Europe on my own to pursue a role no one thought I’d get. I didn’t get it, but I learned so much from the experience and from the people I auditioned with that it helped me figure out what I needed to do to level up. It changed my whole career.
4.) Are you a crier?
Yes! Absolutely - I always feel better afterward and I hate holding on to my emotions.
5. ) What’s your favorite book?
Anything Dylan Allen writes. Her words give me life.